Saturday, February 14, 2009


Violence, as we can see around us, is a phenomenon that is increasing day by day. Talking about the reasons is very difficult if we think we are living in the 21st century. I mean, we grew up in a society where some values such as tolerance, equality or respect; they must have been in everybody’s mind. The news constantly tells us unbelievable events about abductions, racial discrimination, bullying, physical violence between others. It is a pity, that these events, far of strike at the heard of people, just pass as something very far off them. In my opinion, we don’t give violence any importance or even we don’t take any notice. We are too used to hearing about violent incidents so we put up with them or simply we bury them. On the other hand, when we are conscious of the effects of violence we try to look for the guilty. Could our culture be the one to blame?

I think violence is not just a product of cultural changes, but it is caused by important changes in the social environment in which our children grow up. The numbers of hours children are left alone and the role of television and other electronic media of popular culture have all been well documented.
I agree with there are new values in our society that make us less friendly, less communicative, less sympathetic and more selfish. I think we have to consider seriously if it’s worth it!

To finish, I would like to say that to improve the situation we have a lot to do. It’s time to put an end to violence.

Best wishes!

1 comment:

Nuria Vidal said...

Well done! Interesting ideas for a debate!

Have a look at my suggestions:

-Talking about the reasons IT is very difficult...
-we grew up in a society where some values such as tolerance, equality or respect (0) must have been in everybody’s mind.
-far FROM strike at the heard of people, ??? just HAPPENS as something very far off them. I DO NOT REALLY UNDERSTAND THIS SENTENCE. CAN YOU REPHRASE, PLEASE)
-we try to look for the guilty ONE/PERSON. (ADJECTIVES CANNOT BE ALONE!)
-The number(0)of hours
-I agree (0) THAT there are new values